Publishers 101


Last Update 9 months ago

How can publishers maximize their ad revenue and offer engaging content to subscribers?

Publishers can tap into the growing demand for inclusive advertising by optimising their ad space. We help make their ad inventory more accessible, easier to research and book, leading to increased revenue. 

By embracing adStartr, publishers attract diverse advertisers and offer engaging content that resonates with broader audiences, creating a more enriching experience for their followers.

How can our ad space be more accessible to advertisers?

Making your ad space easier to find, research and book is crucial for attracting advertisers. Our platform allows advertisers to source ad space across multiple publications with just a click of a button. If your publication isn't readily available when they search, you risk missing out on valuable campaigns. For niche, minority, or non-English language publications, this presents a fantastic opportunity to reach diverse audiences that are often overlooked by mainstream media and ignored by your competitors. Let us help you become a preferred publication and connect with advertisers seeking inclusivity and broader audience reach.

Why is inclusive advertising essential for publishers?

Inclusive advertising is crucial for publishers because it opens doors to diverse advertisers and broader audiences. Advertisers are actively seeking publications that represent a wide range of backgrounds and communities. If your ad space isn't easily accessible and inclusive, you may be excluded from campaigns that value diversity. By showcasing your niche, minority, or non-English language publication on our platform, you become a sought-after destination for advertisers looking to connect with forgotten audiences and embrace inclusivity. 

Join us to unlock opportunities and secure your position on the preferred list of publications.

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