Brands & Advertisers 101


Last Update 9 months ago

How can you help brands and media agencies reach niche audiences with their advertising?

Our platform is designed to connect advertisers with "hard-to-reach" populations and demographics efficiently. We streamline the process, allowing brands to reach niche audiences in a fraction of the time it would typically take. With us, advertisers no longer have to hassle with the daunting task of discovering the right niche media and publications that these audiences engage with. We provide access to premium inventory at scale, ensuring brand safety and transparency, and making it easier for advertisers to deliver their message effectively to niche markets.

What are the benefits of using your platform for advertising?

By utilising our platform, advertisers can gain unparalleled access to "hard-to-reach" populations and demographics. We offer a seamless and time-saving solution for reaching niche audiences, eliminating the need for tedious research and outreach to specific media and publications. Brands and media agencies can efficiently target their campaigns to diverse audiences, ensuring their message resonates with precision and impact. Additionally, our platform provides access to premium inventory at scale, protecting brand safety and transparency, and allowing advertisers to execute successful and meaningful advertising campaigns.

How can adStartr help advertisers reach diverse audiences at scale?

adStartr provides a solution for advertisers to connect with diverse audiences at scale. With access to key demographics such as Gen-Z, multi-ethnic, LGBTQ+, BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, Person of Colour), gender, disability, religion, and more, advertisers can effectively target specific groups with their message. Our platform consolidates advertising space from hundreds of media outlets, making it easy for advertisers to find, compare, and book the perfect combination of ad space to reach their desired demographic with precision and impact.

What sets adStartr apart from other advertising platforms?

With hundreds of global publications and broadcast media outlets in one place, adStartr offers a curated online platform that streamlines the advertising process. Advertisers can effortlessly find, compare, plan, and book diverse and inclusive advertising in just a few clicks, eliminating the time-consuming task of contacting individual media organisations. Our consolidated booking engine efficiently connects advertisers with valuable ad spaces, ensuring successful and impactful advertising campaigns.

How does adStartr address the challenge of reaching diverse audiences effectively?

adStartr offers a powerful solution to reach diverse audiences. By allowing advertisers to build a single campaign across a suite of publications that cater to their target demographic, we simplify the process of connecting with specific communities. Whether it's ethnicity (Arabic, Bangladesh, Chinese, Indian, Korean, and more), language, identity (LGBTQ+), disability, gender-specific, age (Gen-Z, 50+), religion, and more, adStartr enables advertisers to reach these niche groups at a greater scale than ever before.

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